Plume Labs: air quality App

City by city, a view of what the world is breathing

The best source of information to monitor air pollution in your city and around the globe

Air pollution used to be invisible. The Plume Labs air quality app reveals pollution peaks and fresh air moments throughout your day and throughout the world. Right on your phone, and as easy as checking the weather.
  • Air Report - App Store
  • Air Report - Play Store

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Plume Labs lifts the lid on air quality

Air quality in my city

Get the live view of what your city is exposed to. Plume Labs displays real-time indexes and concentrations of PM2.5, PM10, NO2 and O3.

A stunning new way to see air pollution

Find clean air pockets and pollution hotspots with live, street by street air quality maps.

Air quality in any city

Because air pollution knows no border, Plume Labs' air quality data is used every day by a community of hundreds of thousands of urban citizens, NGOs, and government agencies across the world. Our expanded coverage makes live and forecast air quality reports available in any city on earth!

Stay ahead of pollution

Thanks to our pollution alerts and smart notifications, you’ll have access to critical air quality forecasts exactly when you need them. Our activity recommendations will also give you tips to stay healthy throughout the day.

...and stay clear of ads

There’s nothing more annoying than seeing ads right where you wouldn’t want them. Our app is 100% ad-free because we think an app designed to help you understand your health and your environment isn’t one that should try to sell you phones or shoes.

Information you can rely on

Enhanced data sources

Environmental scientists have always relied on open data from public monitoring stations. Our data science team has gone far beyond this single source. We blend land-based measurements with satellite imagery to map the pollution in our towns and cities with incredible accuracy.

AI-powered forecasts

Just like the weather, reliably predicting how the concentration and health impact of airborne pollutants will evolve in the near future is a math-intensive affair. We’ve spent the last 5 years building machine-learning algorithms and feeding them years of air quality data, factoring in the complex effects of human activity, topography, weather and atmospheric models.

Measurements expressed your way

There isn’t one definitive way to look at the numbers. Sometimes what’s required is the concentration measured in particles per cubic meter of air - precisely what the WHO uses to define its thresholds - and in other instances what really matters is how these translate in terms of health impact, using an index.
We’ve built both types of measures right into our air quality app to make sure it’s not only reliable, but usable everywhere.

The biggest breakthrough: going beyond city-level indexes

Air pollution is a hyper-local phenomenon. In most cities levels can vary significantly from one street to the next.
While our data is continually improved with the most sophisticated modeling, for the last four years we’ve also been working on what’s next: the real-time, spot-on measure of exactly where you are, wherever you are.
Meet Flow, our personal air quality sensor, packed with first-of-its kind technology and the biggest step ever taken towards an air quality revolution.

Plume Labs moves the conversation forward.

Informed citizens build a better world. By lifting the lid on what we breathe, we hope to create a shared understanding of what the right steps forward can be.

We're here to help!

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